Magenta Brumby

img_20151230_163602Magenta always was my favourite watercolour colour. I had this watercolour boy for art lessons in school. It was a Pelican watercolour set and every kid in school had it. Some even had the extended version that contained colour like silver and gold. Well I hadn’t. And so I was always out of magenta because I used it a lot. Magenta was the only positive thing about the art lessons in school. I really suck at drawing and I am always amazed when people actually can draw. Like when I first saw Bob Ross. From one moment to the other the brownish area becomes a mountain, and I’m like ‘how on earth did he do that?’.


Well, back to Magenta. The colour of my skirt. But not the original colour of the fabric is used! Ha! I dyed it, all by myself! I bought the fabric very cheap. It was part of a a special offer winter fabrics for pants package and it was white. Well, I really have no use for a white winter pair of pants and so I decided to dye it. I also bought the dye very cheap because it had already started lumping. I used a hammer to get it back into its original state and dyed the fabric in my washing machine which was really very easy going!

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The fabric is very thick. I think its twill or something. I settled on making a skirt from it and somehow ended up setting my mind on making the only skirt pattern I have that is explicitly not suitable for thick fabrics. Oh well, wasn’t the first time I did that and I love myself a good challenge and so I went for Brumby. I made this pattern once before and I love that skirt! Especially those huuuge pockets! You can basically put everything in there. Whole arms, rain worms, everything you like!

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But before you can enjoy those pockets you first have to gather a lot of fabric which is a problem if your fabric is as heavy as mine. Megan even explains a method with which it is easier to gather heavy fabrics. You zick zack sew some yarn to the fabric and pull, but I didn’t want to do that (I mean where’s the challenge in that?) and so I gathered the fabric in 4 steps and that worked out okay.

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I really like how the skirt turned out even if the gathering isn’t super even. And again I really liked the instructions. They are very clear and I am again amazed by how neat the zipper turned out using Megan’s method.

img_20151230_153239I also lined the skirt, which is very easy and quickly done you just have to cut the main skirt pieces from lining and attach it to the waist band lining the same way you did with the fashion fabric..

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Great thing that I only like like 3 colours. Kind of everything I have is purple, pink or a little blue.. I always have matching lining fabric in my stash :D

img_20151230_153310What I still don’t have is matching serger thread. I should just buy it already. But until I do the contrasting serged seams are a design feature if anyone asks!

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The T-Shirt is a Bronte Top. I have some tops that match my new skirt but I wanted to wear those boots with it and so I had to pick a rather boring top. But just look at those shoes!


Macht’s gut!


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5 thoughts on “Magenta Brumby

  1. Carolyn

    Ha! that’s the secret to your wardrobe always looking so cohesive! Everyting you make does look all so nice together. This skirt is gorgeous, and you achieved such a lovely colour with the dyeing. The skirt design looks great too. Nothing better than big deep pockets! Beautiful!

  2. Noelle

    Great color for the skirt! Plus, once you have a vision for a project it’s awfully hard to give it up even if fabric is unsuitably thick. But it turned out great!
