Tag Archives: blouse

Ginger Jeans Camas Blouse

img_20160402_170734After finishing my wedding dress I felt the strong urge to finally make jeans again! I really like all the topstitching and all those little details you like hammering in rivets and embroidering back pockets. That is actually the most fun to me, embroidering back pockets. Also I have a lot of denim fabrics in my fabric closet because I keep on buying them, forgetting about the ones I already have, so sewing jeans is kind of a stash buster to me :) Continue reading

Sleeveless Bruyere

img_20150830_182244Marvin asked me if I could sew him a jacket. So I ordered fabric at Stoff&Stil. And because there was a big sale I ordered some pink-orangeish light cotton fabric for me too. At this point of time I haven’t even gotten started on Marvin’s jacket. I haven’t even bought the pattern. But I already made a blouse from the fabric I bought for me. To be fair I have to say, that Marvin won’t need the jacket until autumn and I really needed this blouse (haha), plus his fabric is gray and mine is pink. So I didn’t have a choice, did I? :)

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3 Belcarras

img_20150809_175601When I started my new job back in July it was so hot! It still is! And you know how I love a good reason to sew some new clothes, right? ;) So I decided that, as I have nothing decent to wear with this weather, I needed something new! Something breezy but not too casual! I didn’t want a t-shirt but I wanted the comfort of a t-shirt! I found what I wanted over at Sewaholic, the Belcarra Blouse. And because I was really desperate (because I had nothing to wear! ;)) I made three of them. Continue reading

Raspberry Aster

img_20150816_172935I already told you: I have tons of this Raspberry Ikea fabric. The fabric was a blanket once! A real huge one! Would I have known that there are larger blankets than my 1,55 m blanket, I would have bought it! There’s nothing better than huge blankets. But, now I am stuck with my only slightly oversized blanket and needed to make something else out of this super oversized blanket. I already made a dress and pants out of it and I love wearing them, the fabric is breezy and felt really good against my skin. Also I like the raspberries, they make the dress so summery. Continue reading


img_20150628_183518Aster – that is the name that my grandmas dog had, when I was little. So you see, it was inevitably that I needed that new  Colette Pattern that’s called Aster I had some other reasons to buy it, too. For one it was on sale when it was released and I had a coupon code, because I receive the newsletter. For another I liked the pattern and another blouse couldn’t hurt, I really don’t have that much basics in my closet, and so I gave it a try! Continue reading


img_20150412_142307I got the  Deer&Doe fever! They offer such beautiful patterns! And since a overcame the barrier of buying their paper patterns I am unstoppable! The first pattern I sewed were those adorable Chataigne Shorts! I just recently finished a Chataigne Skirt. But today I am going to show you something different: the Bruyere Blouse. I want to shows it to you as long as long sleeve garments are appropriate to the weather ( and I hope this won’t be for too long now :)) Continue reading