Tag Archives: Hetty

Turquoise Hetty

img_20150830_182852It would be a pity if I had to stop wearing the sleeveles blouse I showed on wednesday just because it is getting colder.Luckily I knitted myself a matching cardigan ;) Okay, I admit, that the matching wasn’t intentional it just happened. When I looked for fabric to stabilize the button bands I realized that the blouse’s fabric matched very well because there is a tiny bit of turquoise in it. But back then I wouldn’t have thought that the blouse and the cardigan might look good together but when I tried it just for fun I actually liked the combination. Continue reading


img_20150621_164522So, today I’m going to show you what I wore at the sewing blogger meeting in Stuttgart in April. Yes,  I finished knitting this cardigan back in April. I’m so behind with blogging right now! When I knitted this thing it was still snowing! Okay that was bad luck, we had terribly cold weather when we went camping in the black forest. Unfortunately it is still so cold here in southern germany right now, that I need to wear that cardigan in order not to freeze! Has also it’s good sides, but right now i would rather not be needing it! Continue reading

MeMadeMay15: Week 3

Week3I am a little late with my round-up of the third week of me made may 15. The reason for that is that I just returned from a trip to the north sea, where Marvin’s sister got married in a lighthouse. This trip made the picture taking and outfit choosing a little harder, but at least Marvin almost didn’t complain he had to take pictures of me :) Much worse was that I didn’t have access to the Internet! How sucky is that? Continue reading